20.8% of Chinese Mobile Gamers Give up Mobile Games, Lag Far Behind in Cultural Industry

Market research agency iiMedia  released a report on Chinese mobile games market in Q3 2014. The report disclosed major reasons why China’s mobile games user growth slows vividly.

Slowdown of smartphone shipments in China can be a factor for this issue.

It is clear from the survey that 38.6% of the mobile gamers in China give up “playing it for a long period of time”, 28.7% of people find difficulty in operating the mode of game, 26.7% give up due to the need of high payment and 22.8% due to boring content.

“Despite this dip in growth, estimates suggest that the Chinese mobile gaming industry’s revenue is set to reach $5.5 billion in 2015. This means it will overtake the US as the largest mobile gaming industry”, states a press release by Niko Partners.

The report also disclosed that market of Chinese mobile gamers grown by 52.8% in Q2 2014 become 11.7% in Q3, lower as compared to previous four partners.

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