Guidelines For an Effective iOS App Development Process

Isn’t it surprising how the popularity of mobile apps has changed the world? From kids to adults, everyone is busy exploring the apps of their choice. At present, mobile apps are not only provide entertainment, but also make life easier. In short, the app development industry is thriving. You may have vast knowledge about the different apps but do you have any idea about what happens behind the scenes?

The Android and iOS app development process are different from each other,

Here, let’s explore the world of iPhone app development.

Follow Apple’s App Store Guidelines:

If you want to design apps for iPhone, here are some guidelines for an effective iOS app development process that would help you in delivering an app that will be loved by the users. The goal of creating a great app is to gain more downloads and star reviews. For best results, you have to design the app and promote it in the app store.

The Apple’s app store review guidelines provides all basic information related to safety, design, business and legal formalities attached to app development and submission that the development team can go through before starting their work . Work according to Apple’s app programming guide, focus on factors like app Architecture, Performance Tips, app life cycle, app power consumption and you are half done into creating a flawless iOS app.

Find innovative Idea:

The first step towards iOS app development is to find ideas that have the potential to be successful. Observe the market before you start and come up with innovative ideas. The app world is crowded and therefore, coming up with something new and unique is the only way to stand out. Explore every possibility to grab attention; try to incorporate features and attractions that other similar kinds of apps lack, for more downloads.

App development process:

Before starting the project, discuss in detail regarding the development concept and goals for designing a high-level app in the desired time frame. Remember, it is very important to complete the project on time or you may lose your place in the market. Here are some basic steps that are involved in app development:

• Though visuals tend to stay longer in users’ minds than test, heavy visual elements and graphics add to the complexity of the app. However, apps that display data in the form of text or light but rich media is easier to design. Work on the complexity of the app, discuss the incorporation of animation and graphics in advance and design the app accordingly
• Make sure that all the screens of the app are in sync to deliver a better and smooth experience to its user
• Next task is to find the resources and the various iOS SDK APIs like push notification API, photos API, core data etc. that need to be integrated into the app
• Optimize the app for better performance and make sure that it uses minimal memory while it’s functioning. It is this feature that has made apple apps more desirable among the users. Apple restrains publishing apps that consume more memory
• The developer has to work on different states of the app as well. The app can be in active mode, it may run in the background, or it can be in sleep mode.
• There are a number of devices that the users use and therefore, the app has to be compatible with all of them to be successful
• The app has to work smoothly with different orientations, be it landscape, portrait or both
• Ensure that the app is compatible with Apple’s guidelines
• Caching of the app

Testing & Publishing:

It is not easy to design an app that passes Apple’s review guidelines in first attempt. To avoid rejection, developers are advised to check and ensure that the app is bug-free. It has to be optimized for delivering fast performance without reducing the performance of the device. It is suggested to test the app for compatibility with the entire targeted devices before submission.

To explore and to taste success, it is essential to add the app in the iTunes store and for that, you have to design an app that abides rules and regulations stated by the authority. Once the app is completed, test the app and check whether it has followed all the guidelines stated by the store. It will help in getting approval in a short span of time or else, you will be informed to fix the bug or resolve any other issue and to resubmit it.

App promotion:

No matter how good the app is, if it is not optimized to catch the attention of its users, it will be doomed. Design a strategy to promote the app using the right keywords and be visible to the users.

Well, getting the app published on apple store is a proud moment. But, if you want your app to stay there for long, make sure that you are working with a team of developers and testers, who religiously follow the guidelines and scope of the app. Hire Professional Team for cutting edge solutions:

Hire a professional agency for iOS App Development Services and you will be a step closer to get a seamless app for your purpose. Our iPhone app development team has a skill, exposure, and experience to design iPhone apps in quick turnaround time.

9 Advantages of Custom Android App Development

The Android app development platform is a great choice, if you are not going for cross-platform app development. They have many advantages that other platforms can’t offer. This platform allows you to develop feature-rich applications with great functionality and usability.

Android, as an open source operating system is used by the majority of mobile phone manufacturers to power their devices. This creates tremendous business opportunities and augments growth.

Most of the off-the-shelf applications available today are highly customizable products. Yet, custom android app development is gaining so much importance.

Let’s see some of the advantages that are characteristic of custom apps alone.

Android Apps Offer Perfect Solution for your Distinctive Needs:

Every business is different, and therefore needs a different solution for their unique business requirements. Packaged products often come with excellent quality and reliability, but they can ultimately be an impediment to your business goals.

Readymade products are designed to meet the requirements of a wide range of businesses. It may include many functions and services that you may not find to be useful. As a result of these unnecessary feature assortments, more system resources are used which will eventually slow down the entire process.

Most of the time, packaged app users may find it necessary to adjust and alter their business operations to accommodate the application. A custom application could always prove to be a better solution than standard solutions, no matter how much customizable it is.

Tailor-made, innovative and individualized processes gives custom apps the flexibility to suite your businesses’ in-house operations. Also, custom apps can be localized to maximize use and increase productivity.

Custom Apps can Save your Time and Money

App development costs can be highly deceptive. The cost of developing custom android app may or may not be lower than purchasing out-of-the-box solutions. But, it helps to stay on time and on budget during the development period.

Readymade apps will not include the costs for installation, customization, data import, training the workforce, and additional support. The long-term benefits of custom made business applications are far better than that of the readymade ones.

Another advantage of custom android app development is that you will have to invest only for those specific set of features that you ask for. You can also exclude recurring licensing costs that come with off-the-shelf products, since you own your custom app.

Very Few Complications and Compatibility Issues

As your application is customized and designed from the very beginning in accordance with the end user requirements, it will be quick and easy to use. Very little training will be required as the application is less likely to include elaborate and irrelevant operations.

There will be very few complications when you operate it with the business software and applications that you already use. With licensing business applications, it is usual to encounter continuous errors while working with it.

Increased Business Security

Custom applications always give you enhanced security. Your product is exclusively built for your business alone. Other application vendors and users outside your enterprise will not have any clue about the architecture of your application.

Hackers often attack the known vulnerabilities in the applications. So business security risks are very high for third party applications

Efficient and Reliable Technical Support

One of the major benefits that come with custom apps is the unparalleled technical support plan that the Android app development companies offer. You will get reliable, dedicated support from the team that was directly involved with your product development. The users are promised with quicker and efficient solutions to all the encountered problems.

BYOD Preference for Android Apps

From the market share of Android apps, it’s quite evident that it has a prominent role when compared to other platforms. Companies who wish to bring in their own policy (BYOD), it’s feasible to opt for custom Android app development as it is available for a wide variety of devices and has high popularity with users from all economic groups.

Easy Customization

Android provides the opportunity for developers to create versatile apps through their easy customisation feature. Be it a complex custom app or a web app integration, this platform provides ample space for easy customizations. This platform is designed in such a way that it can accommodate any requirements of a business and also offers flexibility to integrate multimedia tools, data management functions, and with regular updates.

Open Source and High ROI

Android’s SDK is available at free of cost, thereby minimizing the cost for software licensing. As it is a free open source framework, it enables development of apps without any extensive development costs.

Use of Wearable Devices

Among business, the use of wearable devices is flooding due to its quick communication functionality. As the market for wearable devices is considered to grow more than 45% in the coming years, Android is contributing a lot to bring in the best devices in the digital market for the sake of the users.


If you have a strategy for developing a custom app and wish to choose a single and stable platform, then Android app development is the feasible option. It’s the most recommended platform because of its market perpetuation, ease of development, integration, and short span of development.

How Xamarin Cross-platform App Development Benefits your Business

There could be different reasons for individuals or companies to create an app. May be, it is a business app or you have a great idea. But regardless of all these reasons, you still have to start from the scratch and the most important thing is choosing the right platform for mobile app development.

Xamarin has evolved to be the most preferred choice for developers who want to built cross platform portability i.e. integrate an app to all three dominant mobile platforms(iOS, Android, Windows)

Xamarin and its Three Major Components:

1) Xamarin Platform is the major part of Xamarin. It provides code APIs, code samples, runtime engines and virtual machines. The platform targets Android, iOS or Mac OS 10 apps, Microsoft Windows phones, tablets etc.

2)Test Cloud: It provides an automatic online testing harness that automates your app testing on thousands of real devices in the Cloud.

3) Xamarin Insights: It is an app-monitoring service that tracks app crashes and exceptions which helps the developers to know what is happening with app users in real time .

Benefits of Using Xamarin:

1) One technology stack to code for all platforms: To write a mobile code, you need to choose the programming language.

Cross-platform App Development Benefits your Business

Instead of using these three languages, Xamarin code apps using C# language which uses familiar concepts like links, generics, tasks etc. Here, you can write your codes in required IDE and it’s been successful. In total, Xamarin acts as a popular cross-platform toolkit.

2) Native User Experience: The IDE of Xamarin enables coding in C#, which is considered to be an object-oriented programming language that can compete with Objective-C, Swift and Java paradigms. Thus, Xamarin provides a native UI access to device-specific hardware and OS specific software features.

3) Xamarin is Extensible: The component store of Xamarin platform allows developers to select from a multitude of components to customize their apps and end product. This property of Xamarin is useful for custom app development companies as it provides several extensions to choose from in order to meet client needs.

4) Capable of API Integration: Xamarin is capable of binding using Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.Mac, Xamarin.Windows which has the same capacities of native platforms. Its Portable Class Libraries (PCL), and app architecture enables sharing of code across all platforms.

5) Xamarin has a Component Store: The component store of Xamarin allows adding high-quality elements to the app directly from your IDE which includes web services APIs, controls and much more. It also enables integration of popular back-ends such as Microsoft Azure, Salesforce Parse, SAP etc. and also add powerful security features such as encryption and authentication.

6) Xamarin.Forms: The API- Xamarin.Forms help in building user interface code that can be shared across Android, iOS or Windows using 100% shared C#. This includes more than 40 layouts and controls, which are mapped to native controls during the runtime. Thus, Xamarin saves resource and time needed for the development of similar native UIs for different platforms.

7) Possibility to Test in Cloud: When working with a cross-platform app, developers invest much of their time to test and evaluate its performance, look and feel on different devices. With Xamarin Test Cloud, you can directly detect the flaws and bugs in the cloud.

8) Compatible with MVC and MVVM patterns: Xamarin is compatible with major software development patterns where, MVVM allows creating different projects using the same code base. MVC makes it easier for developers to keep the app logic and presentation separate which helps in accelerating the process of app development.

9) No need to Create Extra Plug-in: Developers can built apps directly without creating new plug-ins. As Xamarin apps are created with standard UI controls it gives a better user experience across various mobile platforms and these mobile programs are able to access platform-specific functionalities like Android Fragment, iBeacons etc.

10) Cost-effective: As you need not invest in the development infrastructure for Android, iOS and Windows separately, Xamarin is an obvious winner at cost efficiencies. With a single team of Xamarin developers, you need to code just once and then deploy on all the major platforms for seamless user experiences.

11) Offline App Support: Now its mandatory for app to even work offline, mainly in the remote areas its essential for enterprise apps to work also without the Internet. This can be acquired by Xamarin through its feature of Cloud for reliable data synchronisation.

12) Future Centric Apps for Wearables: Xamarin also turns out to create complete companion apps that can even run on wearables. For example: Xamarin. Glass supports on Google Glass.

13) Upgradation of Apps across Different Platforms is Easy: Xamarin’s feature of SDK integration provides support for new features and automatically updates versions to corresponding platform, as soon as they are inserted in the operating system of the device.

All these above listed features, clearly shows that for any business, Xamarin as a development platform happens to be secure, reliable and cost-effective to build apps across Android, iOS & Windows.

9 Important Steps to Keep your Smartphones Secure [Infographics]

Many of us live on our smart phones as we use them for socializing, browsing, banking, shopping and even for business requirements. With increased utility, more vulnerability occurs. Having information in your device makes your phone a target, and hackers put in efforts to infiltrate them.

What if someone looks at your phone without your permission? It brings people one step closer to hack into your privacy. Therefore, you should strongly consider the threats related to keeping information saved in your phone secure. Its always good to use a built-in lock system, which is a good starting point to keep your phones safe.

Most of the security concerns are platform-specific, and may not be relevant to all users. But, there are plenty of risks to the sensitive information stored on your gadgets.

Fortunately, there are plenty of methods to ensure that no one gets access to your device and to know more, please check out the info-graphics given below to figure out the important steps for keeping your smartphones secure.

Trends Impacting Android App Development

There is a huge boom in the growth of mobile app development companies recently. This is mainly due to the proliferation of smart phone and the mobile-first approach of the people.

As the need for apps increases day by day for carrying out multiple tasks, the growth of custom mobile app development also has a great demand. This will bring in new trends and impacts on the entire Android App Development scenario across the world.

According to a survey, the growth of mobile applications is expected to grow by 962.5% between within the end of 2017. With rapid growth and the wide establishment of technology, 2017 is considered to be a year with new emerging trends shaping the mobile app development space globally.

Let’s have a look at the latest trends in the Android App Development

1) Internet of Things(IoT) is Growing Higher

IoT is said to be the next internet or an industrial revolution by enterprise owners and consumers. A network of objects connected through the internet to exchange and collect data using embedded sensors. The growth of IoT is in the middle of a major boom.

Apps that cater and integrate to IoT will go a long way in the case of development. IOT can bring a major change in fields like education, health, security, smart homes, auto-mobiles etc.

2) Location-Based Services (LBS)

The trend of using GPS is common these days and this leads to the growth of location-based services. The service provides real-time information to users about all the whereabouts. This method can be used in key areas like travel and tourism, navigation, security systems, payments portals, retails etc.

3) Rise of Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Machine Learning

At the start of 2017, augmented reality will not only be an important part of mobile app development but also in augmenting the app capabilities. Machine learning and augmented reality play an integral part in creating robust apps that function, learn and adapt autonomously rather than just completing already set instructions.

Some of the important apps that utilize AI are Siri, Google Now, Prisma etc. By the use of advanced analytics, AI will be able to provide better and powerful insights to business users. Due to the advantages that AI have, giants like Facebook, eBay, Google, IBM etc. have started working on this new technique.

Google has declared lately that they will continue their integration of Google Assistant into Android devices in the coming year with more intellectual skills and improved features.

4) Wearables

In Android app development, the importance of wearable technology plays an important part. Smart watches have already become popular and has got good responses. Recently, several sports and fitness brands have come up with wearable devices that are sensors oriented.

Even the health care industry is very much using this technique. These days, more apps have been developed that offer the wearable version and support such devices.

5) Beacon Technology is Gaining Importance

Beacon Technology was first only available for the iOS devices, but now this tech has been introduced to the android app development trends. Multi-functionality and easy access to track the location is the main feature of this technology.

Beacon technology is used for:

•  Find temperature of particular place
•  Detect danger
•  Used in retail industries like industry employing beacons, with heavy hitters like Lord & Taylor and Macy
•  Can be used in hotels to replace hotel room keys with beacons. E.g.Starwood Hotels
•  The Major League Baseball is using beacon technology to reach out to their fans to upgrade the seating facility inside the stadium
•  American Airlines uses this technology to upgrade their connections with customers inside the airport

6) AR & VR

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, both are gaining a lot of media attention lately, offering enormous growth in mobile app technology.

Virtual reality is actually the method of recreating a real life situation artificially. When you are using this tech, the user will feel and experience a situation as that in real life. In this cutting edge tech, primary stimulation is done by stimulating the user’s hearing and vision power.

VR is done by using a code language called as Virtual Reality Modelling Language(VRML). This coding language helps in creating the images and specific interactions required.

Uses of VR

• Used to enhance the imaginary reality in different fields like entertainment, games, 3D movies, video games etc.
• Can be used as stimulator’s in flight for pilots.

Augmented Reality is used in mobile apps and blended into digital components to showcase as a real thing. This tech makes the confusion in users of what is real and what is computer based. This tech enhances and stimulates the senses to hear, feel and smell.

Features of AR

• Used in Entertainment purposes- games and videos.
• Have a great potential in bringing change in the medical field. It can be used to in remote surgeries and for the treatment of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

7) Android Instant Apps

Google has developed instant apps for quick access to their android app users. With one single click, you can download the required app to your mobile like loading the web pages. In short, the entire app won’t be downloaded but only a part of it.

These instant apps would be useful at times where you need to downloaded certain apps for just one time purposes.

8) Improvement in Android App Security

App security is very important because this can effect our wallet details, personal data, hardware etc. To satisfy users, Google has brought new steps to improve the Android operating system. Thus, total security of the app will be increased and there will be more permission requests before downloading apps.

Android app security should be a big target for the coming years and Android app developers need to focus more on implementing new cyber security features within the apps.

9) Android In-App Payments

E-commerce has already become an integral part in the mobile app technology. Online payments can trigger the development of payment apps. Google has introduced a new app called the Android Pay with more secure and advantageous features. This app is considered to be perfect for storing all your credit/debit card details and personal data’s safe.

10) In-App Search

A handy feature that has been incorporated in Android phones for quite some time. Using this feature you can get information about any content on your smartphone within no time. The google search bar seen within apps which allows you search contents is an ample example of this feature.

This new feature has already been already introduced to apps like G-mail, YouTube, Spotify etc. and developers are trying to bring in the feature to more apps,

Nowadays for each and everything there is an app and they can bring you instant updates on anything around the globe. Keeping the users engaged is the main challenge that is faced by the mobile app developers.

Along with all these new trends, mobile UX design and hybrid HTML5 is to show importance in the coming years.

When it comes to mobile app development, developers cannot rely on outdated trends and tools. It is important for each and every developer to enhance their skills according to the latest android app development trends & development techniques. Hence, 2017 is considered to be a year with lots of new advancements and revolutionary changes in the Android App Development companies aiming to satisfy their users all around.

Top 9 Guidelines for iOS App Development Process

iOS is one of the two main mobile operating systems and therefore almost unavoidable when you are building an app. But unlike Android, iOS has more stringent rules in place. Here are a few guidelines to help you with the iOS app development process.

Top 9 Guidelines for iOS App Development Process:

1) Plan & Sketch your Idea: First of all, you need to plan, what is your app going to be and why would people choose your app? If these are done right, then you save a lot of time and confusion. Refine your idea and sketch technically specific documents with the guidance of a project manager.

2) Research: Find out whether there are other apps same as yours, research about the design, find information on the technical requirements and finally on how you can market and monetize your app.

3) Create Wire-frame: Wire-frames are UX(user experience) road maps that demonstrate user options and also contain an information architecture blue-print.

4) Design: To create an appealing visual design, an intuitive UI (user interface), and an engaging UX (user experience) is essential. At this part of development, the designer needs to work on screen features(icons, graphics, animations) and also generate the design prototypes for the development team.


Top 9 Guidelines for iOS App Development Process - Design Phase

5) Software Architecture Planning: During this phase, both the front-end and back-end developers collaborate which happens parallel to the design phase prior to the development process to ensure whether the software is stable and scalable for the application.

 •  Model view controller paradigm(MVC) is a core principle of iOS app development that is broken down into 3 components user interfaces, data and the software

6) Front-End & Back-End Development: Both the front-end and back-end development of the app is built as a coordinated effort. When front-end works on the development of codes to create different design elements for the app, the back-end development refers to the server part, which focuses on how the app works.

Front-end app development includes:

• Caching of database
• Synchronise database
• Development of mock-ups and wire frames
• UI design and development
• Improvements are done if needed
• Testing
• Deployment

Back-end development includes:

• Setting the back-end structure
• Management of user accounts and authentications
• Maintain server side functions
• Customization of user experience
• Data integration with third parties through social networking sites
• Push notification services

7) Testing Phase: As Apple’s approval and submission process is tougher, this part can be crucial. Here, the developer goes through the following functions screen by screen, to ensure that there are no bugs and the app works smoothly:

• Test case preparation
• Automated script identification & modification
• Manual & Automated Testing
• Usability testing
• Performance testing
• Security and compliance testing
• Device Testing

8) Submitting App to the App Store: Getting your app live in the App Store isn’t easy as it takes a few steps:

•  Create an app Id or Identifier
•  Create an iOS provisioning profile for distribution
•  Configure your target’s build settings in Xcode
•  Create an App Store Listing
•  Create a Release Build
•  Fill in the Version Information
•  Submit Version for Review
•  App Release

9) Maintain App with Regular Updates: Once the app is done, keep an eye to maintain regular updates to ensure that your app supports all the latest iOS updates and developments.

From the first idea to its completion, it’s a long road ahead, but planning every step can increase your chance for success!

Security Checklist to Consider for Android App Development

Thousands of apps are being released to major app stores every day. Yet, most of them wither before they even have a chance to bloom.

The effort, money, and time that is put into developing apps are enormous. Once you’ve got a lot of negative feedback from the users, there will be hardly any second chance given to prove the worth of your app. So ensuring security should be a major step taken by app development companies.

Security check is implanted into all the latest releases of Android app development to bring in a number of features for its users.

As security has become more of a concerning element for Android users, Google has launched a new security-focused page on Android developers site. This site provides tips for app creators to make their apps free from issues.

Some of the most common security vulnerabilities of android apps include the following:

1. Inadequate Transport Layer protection
2. Client side injection
3. Poor authorization & authentication
4. Security decisions through untrusted inputs
5. Broken cryptography
6. Lack of binary protections
7. Improper session handling
8. Unintended data leakage
9. Insecure data storage
10. Weak server side controls

Android operating system has several built in security features which makes attacks less frequent. These features allow enabling security easier during android app development. The main in-built security features include the ones given below.

•  Android Application Sandbox can be used to isolate the app data and code execution from other apps.
•  Data can be protected using an encrypted file system in case of device loss or theft.
•  Application data can be controlled by enabling application-defined permissions.
•  It enables user granted permissions. This will restrict access to the user data and system features.
•  Includes technologies to reduce memory management errors which include ASLR, ProPolice etc.

Since ensuring the safety of user data is a very crucial step in confirming your app’s success following the given below security check-list is important for every app developer:

1. Apps should use permissions that are necessary for integrated features. Developers should pay more attention to the permission factors that are used by the app’s libraries

2. The registration and activation process should be well made.

3. Never store sensitive information on external storage, since the data will become very easy to exploit.

4. Network transactions should be adequately protected as it involves transmission of private data.

5. Strong input validation is very important for app security.

6. When using native code, attacks that can be induced from data coming over a network or IPC should be controlled by carefully handling the pointers and managing buffers.

7. Use parametrized queries to submit to SQL database in order to stay safe from SQL injection.

8. JavaScript injection is a common web security issue when using the WebView as it makes use of website content that will include HTML and Javascript.

9. Use authorization token instead of frequently asking for user credentials so as to reduce fishing attacks.

10. Android offers a lot of methods to protect data, such as data isolation, entire file system encryption, cryptography, and secure communication channels.

11. Its better to use Android based Intent, Binder, or Messenger than Linux based network sockets and shared files to execute IPC.

12. In Android, Intent is preferably used towards an application component for asynchronous IPC.

13. For RPC related IPC, using Binder or Messenger is preferred, which can ensure mutual authentication of endpoints.

14. Loading code from outside of your application APK, can increase the risk of code injection.

15. Use of sensitive APIs and data from external storage should be verified as safe enough before using it in an app

16. Properly configured SSL should be in place to secure communication between clients and servers.

17. A new building block is introduced for anti-abuse- SafetyNet attestation(it’s an API for developers to vaguely evaluate whether the used Android device is genuine)

18. As several untrusted contents are handled in web view improvements are made in Android Lollipop. Now the Web View is showcased as an independent APK with regular updates

19. Mandatory use of application sandbox (a security mechanism to separate running programs to execute untrusted programs/codes)

20. Enhance security with Device Management Solutions

21. Methods to defend users against PHAs (Potentially Harmful Applications)using Verify Apps, which potentially enables steps to validate threats targeting the system

22. Verified boot is a protection layer that help to improve security checks using cryptographic integrity to detect changes in the operating system

23. Android O has now introduced “seccomp” (a security measure used in Linux kernal) which stops the exploitation by potentially harmful apps.

These are the few best practices that needs to be considered to maintain security while Android app development. Whether you are an Android developer or an entrepreneur, knowledge on a few caveats is important to set the right place in app market.

Tips To Find the Best Educational App Development Company

Books have given way to educational apps these days. The popularity of educational apps is on the rise as most students see them as an easy and convenient mode to learn. As a result, many companies have come forward to provide educational app development services, making it very difficult to choose from.

The best way to choose an educational app development company for building apps for you is by ensuring that they have the following traits:


It’s always best to choose a company that has fared well in the educational app development field. They will also have an eye for the latest updates happening in the app world and build the apps accordingly.

Easy to Communicate

A good app development company involves you in the development process right from the start while considering your feedbacks. This allows you to see what’s happening at each stage of development and suggest changes, if needed. Also, the company must have a mode for easy communication to attend to the queries and concerns of their customers.

Provides Quality Content

Since users of educational apps are mostly children, it is necessary to ensure that the content of the apps are appropriate and simple, making it easy for the students to understand.

App Design that Suits Younger Audience

Remember, the app is for kids and therefore, the different elements of the app must be colourful and appealing with interesting sound effects. In short, the best educational app development company must be able to think from a child’s perspective to understand their needs and act accordingly.

All-in-One Solution

If an educational app development company is a one stop package with all steps involving educational app development, you must definitely go for it. When we say app development, it isn’t just about coding. It also involves the design, usability and testing of the app.

Worth the Money

Remember, an experience service doesn’t mean that the app the build is of good quality. At the same time, if you go for best educational app development company/services with cheapest rates, again, you won’t get the desired quality of the app. Therefore, analyse well before you make a choice.

Always select an app development company that understands your needs and considers your opinions while building an app just like how you wanted.

Also Check: Latest Updated Educational Apps Directory List

How Tracking and Delivery Apps are Changing the Logistics Industry

Like most other modern businesses, logistics industry is continually transforming and evolving to meet the new technological demands.

To earn loyalty of customers, its important for logistics companies to transact business on any device, anywhere and any time. Becoming more secure and unified, mobile apps provides a multi-channel experience across web and mobile. To keep pace with the market, you need make use of apps that enable greater transparency and efficiency.

How Tracking & Delivery Apps are Changing the Logistics Industry-ad banner

What do Logistics Apps Generally Help With?

Perhaps, the biggest advantage of using logistics industry apps is its ability to deliver cargo and receive data in real-time to both the employer and the customer. Here, mobile apps can be used to store valuable data and records that will be useful for further business decisions.

In this competitive field of logistics, basic industry standards are increasing in areas of allocating stock, order management, lead times and much more. Without innovative digital solutions, such tasks would be left behind.

Use of mobile apps can make things easier which carries out functionalities such as billing, accounting, and regulatory reporting tasks. In addition, paper waste can be eliminated, manpower is reduced, and human errors is diminished to an extend. Which in turn will improve profitability and thus enhance the overall business.

Commonly, delivery apps support processes in areas such as:

•  Goods delivery scheduling
•  Remove spread sheet based work tasks
•  Stock picking automation, adding management information and processing metrics

It integrates seamlessly with existing systems and uses messaging services based on industry standards. Users can easily and continuously adapt to apps to keep pace with changing business and market requirements.

GPS technology can be also incorporated to this which is to be done using the location based services which are provided for the people who owe to use this service.

Features for Transport Tracking & Delivery Apps

Logistics apps consists of the following attributes:

Automatic dispatching: Within a mobile app, drivers are automatically assigned according to the distance, availability, direction and current load capacity

Smart Routing: Optimise daily travel routes, thus saving time, cost of fuel, and on the whole maximise the daily drop count per driver each day

Real-Time Job Tracking: You can track every item in real-time. Reduce your missed delivery count and customer complaints. From pick up to drop off, the app will provide driver’s every move

Feedback: Monitor the driver’s service and performance. Monitor customer feedback in real-time
Offline Support: Offline support is essential as it can help employees to enter data whenever required and they manage the entire app with or without Internet access

Driver’s Log: This feature is meant to help keep drivers daily log of activities. It keeps track of everything drivers do each day

Shipment Tracking: This feature provides informations on log carrier, delivery of goods and track the shipments.

Benefits of Apps for Logistics Management

•  Consist of the entire catalogue of all representative offices for product delivery with full lists of telephone numbers and work schedules.
•  Calculates the delivery time period of the cargo
•  Latest information about the company, information on new services etc.
•  Tracks status of cargo delivery using the receipt number
•  Calculating price of the cargo
•  Details on cargo receiving and other details
•  Manage your fleet
•  Quick search
•  Finding location of nearby offices
•  Makes asset tracking easier
•  As mobile apps are connected 24/7, it automatically delivers data about traffic informations, which is more accountable than any other form of data for delivering goods on time
•  Such apps consists of powerful APIs that connects apps for delivery services with third party online ordering providers for real time orders and confirmations

For an industry like logistics which is on a constant move, mobile apps is an essential choice and plays an important role in ensuring real-time, consistent and accurate data. Building a secure, scalable mobility infrastructure will not only help industries but also earn trust of customers of getting shipments on-time with perfect condition.